Smile campaign production diary

 During production everything has mostly gone well as I have been able to gather all of my needed shots apart from the few that I would’ve wanted did such as a pedestal up. All of the shots I have gathered are stationary shots which are great and I think some of the shots I’ve gathered are quite great cinematography wise as they fit the rule of thirds and are quite nice to look at as they have colours that pop out in the dark.

A shot I have wanted to create which is a transitioning shot which will be a match cut Is is shot of me leaning back in my chair at the home setting and it will match cut to me leaning back in the chair at the college setting. This shot thanks to the help of one of my classmates was able to be achieved as they agreed to hold the camera on a dolly and truck left with the camera with me moving in the shot. In post production I believe this will be a great shot for the advert as it helps transition between both scenes effectively without being too confusing to the viewer.

When it comes to consistency between shots I believe all shots are consistent with each other as there is no switching of clothing in between shots as all of my shots were planned out and simple enough to carry out in 2 days. This will be great for the final product as the viewer won’t be feeling off when it comes to the production design.


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