Smile Campaign Advert Evaluation

Smile Campaign Advert

 Smile Campaign Advert Final Product - YouTube

This video above is my final product of the smile campaign project. This version of the ad is improved over the draft which is also on the YouTube channel the final product is posted on.
The differences include different colour grading, some transitions are changed to be more pleasing to watch and I also added an extra shot of me typing to split up a long scene and make the pacing overall better.

The video above is the first draft of the smile campaign advert. This version of the advert is overall worse then the final product as there isn't any colour correction and also has some pacing problems as one shot goes on for to long in my opinion. Also in this draft the audio in the video can peak sometimes and makes for a not pleasant watch which is something I fixed in the final product.

Pre Production

In pre production I had planned many things that didn't make it to the final product or even the first draft of the advert. Some of these ideas was from music choice to how the ad would end and what would be the unifying factor for the audience. In the storyboards the advert is basically the same as the final product except for some of the camera movements, as I wasn't always able to have a cameraman while filming and had to resort to using a tripod for most of the shots. As the advert goes on the advert and storyboard divert from one another as in the storyboards by the middle point of the advert would be about using video games to get over stress and allowing yourself to not calm down and smile and that means the unifying factor is video games. This is very much is different to the final product as in the final product unifying factor is smile itself which I discovered in the post production stage would be a better message for people who suffer from bad mental health as it allows me to say at the end of the advert it's alright to seek help for your mental health instead of ignoring your problems with it. 

During the production process of filming I sadly wasn't able to get a cameraman to film most of the shots in the film so I wasn't able to do pedestal up shots and shots of the same nature. The only moving shot I was able to get was when I did a trucking shot in the classroom and I used a dolly to achieve this shot and I'm proud about how it came out. Most shots in the film was achieved with using my own tripod. This was a good fix for my problem of not having a camera man as it I was relatively getting most of the shots I wanted and they were serviceable to the narrative I wanted to tell.

Post Production
In post production I had originally planned to use different music for this advert and the song was a song from the film 'The Social Network' and it is called 'Hand Covers Bruise'. When I began editing I realised that the song wouldn't fit to what i had shot and also that is was copyright protected so I decided  to use a song called 'Heavenly Father'. This song isn't copyrighted as the version of the song I am using for the advert is a live performance that hasn't been officially released. This song I believe works very well with the adverts timing and pacing and this makes it overall a better song for the advert. 

Other than having to change the music for the advert the post production process went very smoothly and I was able to put out a draft for the advert and ask for feedback on the advert and was able to finish up the final produced very soon after. The feedback I got very much influenced what the final product turned out to be as there was a transition I hadn't thought was bad until my classmate pointed it out and the audio was slightly altered and I colour graded the footage to create a better image and tone for the advert overall.
