Smile Research Self Assessment

Name: Joshua Robinson 

Target Grade: Merit 

Research Self Assessment 



AC1: Informing ideas 

Use skills for informing ideas, interpreting the brief and developing ideas and outcomes as they progress. 




How detailed is your client research? Have you identified previous projects and included links and screen shots?  Is it clear you know who the client is, what they do, their ethos? 

I have found out through googling about minds history and how they are mostly a company that helps with mental health in the Uk. 

Have you conducted research into the subject matter of your project area? 

Is it detailed and contains referencing? 

I have googled the mental health in youths statistics over the last couple of years and searching about what reduces stress in people. 

Have you completed research in existing products?  

Have you identified the codes and conventions used in the products, and their impact? 

Have you included screen shots? 

Have you identified the audience for each product and stated how you know this? 

Have you included media terms and media theory? 

I've researched into many different adverts based around mental health and I believe I know the codes and conventions of this kind of advert as they all end with a hopeful message. 

How have you conducted your audience research using suitable surveys? 

Have you reflected on your audience research and identified how this research has helped you, and what you have learned from it? 

Are there screen shots of your survey data? 

Have you included media terms and media theory? 


I have created suitable services related to mental health as my main focus was to question what makes teens calm down and stop being stressed and since video games are one of the biggest hobbies in teenagers nowadays it’s appropriate to ask if it helps them get through times of struggle or just being stressed due to school work or maybe problems in their family or just drama at school. 

Have you created an audience profile? 

Have you used your audience analysis to create something that clearly outlines your key findings? 

have created a audience profile showing what my audience is interested in and what I can do to get their attention. 

Have you created a rationale/pitch? 

Does your pitch clearly showcase your creative ideas, perhaps with some visual representation where suitable? 

Have you made it clear how your ideas work for the client, the brief and the audience? 


I have created a pitch for my idea for the advert I plan to make for the smile campaign, and I have spoken about the plot of the ad and who the advert will help. 

Have you thought of suitable feedback responses and how to collect these? 

Is there an audio recording or filmed evidence of your focus group or evidence of feedback collected? 


I Have collected an audio recording of my classmate Richard talking and giving criticism on my idea for the advert for the smile campaign. 

Have you reflected on what you have learned from this feedback and specifically how it helps you? 

Have you made any suitable adjustments to your initial ideas and documented this before you move into pre-production? 


I have reflected on the advice and criticism from both Richard and Matthew and I will be taking this to heart when creating my advert. 


Learner self-reflection 

Identify what you think you have done well in your research and what you think you need to improve? 

What grade would you give yourself and why? 

Look at the assessment criteria below and the key characteristics of each grade level. 




I have researched int what my target audience is and I have realised that most of my audience is from the ages 16 to 18 and I've gathered information on what I need to improve such as my planning for the exact shots for my advert. 

Lecturer feedback 












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