Podcast Production Resources

What materials/resources are required for the project and why?


The first thing we need to have for this project is the microphone, The microphone helps me capture voices and sounds I will make during the podcast. The microphone I will be using the Rode NT1A as it is a good quality microphone and is a step up from what I have used before as I used a handheld microphone which resulted in having not great sound quality as we would move the microphones with our shaking hands whilst with the Rode NT1A we will have the microphone in a stand which of course removes the problem of unwanted vibrations and we will have a pop filter unlike before which removes the plosive sounds we make while speaking resulting in a better sound for the listener. These are important as I makes the podcast overall sound more professional and lets us speak in any way we want without it sounding bad for the listeners.

Hire a Camera - Rode NT1-A hire - rental

Sound Card

The second piece of equipment I will need to use for the podcast I'm making will be a sound card. Sound Cards come in 2 different forms, the Interface and a Stage Box. The Interface allows me to record anywhere using a computer but this means that the audio quality will suffer as the room will not be good for capturing quality as it isn't small and got sound proofing foam on the walls for capturing audio. Whilst with a stage box you use this in a recording studio which as good soundproofing and is good for capturing good audio which is what I want so I will be using a stage box over an interface if possible.

Logic Pro X

Logic Pro x is a software I will be using yet again as it allows me to Both capture audio and edit it after the recording is done. There is many more different DAW's out there but Logic Pro X is the one I want to use as it is very good at what it does and its a very easy piece of software to use and learn. Its best to use a DAW like this in a controlled environment as if  you use zoom or teams the sound quality will be worse depending on the internet connection people have and this is bad for a podcast so being in a environment in person is best.


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