Research into mental health

In 2021 it is estimated by that 13% of the world’s population suffer from substance abuse through mental health problems this largely comes with stress to these people and that’s what mind wants to help out with in the United Kingdom. This is definitely something I can incorporate into my advert as I can possibly have the idea of substance abuse be a part of my advert to try reach a wider audience who suffers from substance abuse due to stress and this will link to an overall story that is good for an advert about stress and getting help.

It is said in the United Kingdom 1 in 6 people have suffered through mental health problems, and that’s something mind through the smile campaign what to help out with as they want to mainly help young people and old through their times of stress and hardship. This is something I can definitely mention at the end of my small campaign advert to let people know what mind is and to help people understand the point of the advert.

It is said in the link above by RCPCH that 1 of 4 women in 2017 had a mental health condition this is and absurdly high number of people in stress or other kinds of mental health problems this could be something I might use to  appeal to A wider audience in my advert for minds smile campaign.

In an online poll with 4619 respondents a foundation called The mental health foundation was able to find out that in the UK, 74% of people have felt overwhelmed by stress and found themselves unable to cope with said stress. This shows that there is a clear audience for the smile campaign advert I plan to make.

Overall I have found out through this research, stress and mental health in the uk is overall not great and this means that my advert despite it mostly appealing to young people will no matter what will reach of wider audience than just teenagers from the ages 16 to 20 who enjoyed video games.


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