Mind Client Brief

Who are they, what have they done?

The client’s name is mind and mind is a charity organisation that helps people in the UK with mental health. In the past the mental health organisation has done lots of different charity campaigns like the ‘do one thing’ campaign which was made to inspire people to try something new to help get them out of a mental health problem that they may be having. Another charity event they have thrown was the ‘ourbluexmas’ charity event in 2017 which was made to help people have a nice Christmas no matter what how much money they had and help protect people who weren’t well-equipped to take on the cold weather at Christmas time.




When did they start and who do they help?

Mind was first created with NAMH (National Association for mental health) in 1946 and has been helping people all around the UK and some bits of Wales. Mind has been around for a very long time and is considered to be one of the best Mental health organisations to get help for mental health issues in the UK in 2021. And Like I said in a previous paragraph of this brief they have done a lot of charity campaigns to help with not just mental health but with physical health of people all around the UK.

On Minds Official website they talk about campaigning for the idea that anybody between the ages 11 to 25 to have complete help with mental health along with pushing for a reform of the outdated mental health act and also pushing to change the benefits system for people suffering with depression and other mental illnesses like it.

The smile campaign is a campaign made by Mind that is all about reducing stress in people all around the UK through smiling and I have been asked to create a podcast about helping reduce stress and promotional video that can act as an advert for Mind and the smile campaign to help people either get help or to just help someone perhaps relax in their lives and lying to take time off work or the things that are making them feel super stressful and start to enjoy things that they like or explore new things that can make them smile.


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