Analysing existing products

I know these examples aren't really similar to a advert for a college but bare with me this is a link to an advertisement for coca cola that was made around Christmas 2020 the goal of this advert is to associate Coca Cola with happiness and Christmas time therefore you buy more of their product and if I was able to make students feel productive through the ad I make it would be very effective. Things I like about this ad is that the shots in it were lit very well and were nice to look at and in my ad for Sunderland college I also want that in either the magazine or video I create making the add more appealing

This is an advert created by John Lewis and like the Coca Cola advert that I spoke about before it gets the viewer to associate their product as a warm and nice and happy product around Christmas time therefore making the viewer want to buy the product they are selling. the upsides to this advert is the creativity and its charm which is something I want to capulate in my ad for Sunderland college because that would make my ad stand out from ads  for different colleges for example be it through a video or magazine cover or pamphlet etc.

On the official Sunderland college website theris many pictures of either students or professors smiling in pictures this subcontiuwsly makes people thing that the college is a healthy and friendly environment that students can study in so that's good and ill have to put   that into my ad and also there are pictures of the different building that make up the whole of Sunderland college so in the video/magazine cover/pamphlet I will have to include shots of the college buildings also.

I also know an advert for an action film isn't very similar to a advert for a college but in this trailer for the film baby driver they use heavy enthuses on the reviews of people would have seen the film which I believe could be used in the advert for Sunderland college as we can see reviews form either students or inspectors and such of the college on a magazine or video or pamphlet.


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